Tuesday 15 March 2011

Main Task - Textual Analysis - Bad Boys 2

Textual Analysis - The opening to Bad Boys 2:

In the opening to bad boys 2, we are introduced to a monotone diagetic tune, suggesting that the opening scene is very ominous. The camera cuts to a low angle shot with information telling the audience where we are. We see ecstasy being manufactured, suggesting that the film is based around shipments of drugs. The camera cuts to a mid shot of of a large amount of ecstasy being transported in a lab, essentially acknowledging the way they ship drugs, which is also dramatic irony as the police officers do not exactly know where the drugs are going. These camera shots are all fast paced to emphasise the action in the shot. Throughout the scene, credits are shown of the characters, directors and so on, which is an affective way of presenting it as it does not take up too much time at the start. The camera cuts to a tracking shot of coffins being loaded onto a huge ship with the same diagetic monotone tune playing, emphasising and reflecting the quick camera cuts. We now cut to a long shot of Miami coast, stretching all the way to the main city, which is another great cut to present the credits. The sound picks up pace, suggesting that the shipments have been done, as the camera cuts to a close up shot of a man on the phone, who could potentially be the drug industry owner. The camera cuts to a birds eye view shot of a boat travelling to pick up the shipment. This shot is taken at night, suggesting that the events taking place are of a ominous nature. The camera cuts to a mid-shot of the coffins underwater, showing the audience how the drugs are transported. There are constant changes in locations which are written along with the credits. The opening to Bad Boys 2 is very suggestive and underlines the crime that the police will have to face. In the opening scene, there are a lot of fast paced action shots, reflecting the idea that this is an action/thriller genre movie.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Main Task - Textual Analysis - Adulthood

Textual Analysis: Adulthood

The element of not doing an illegal deed is clearly identified through the clip in adulthood. The diegetic sound of dialogue that comes from the man sitting in the chair being the authroritive ‘gangster’ shows how one man can be so powerful and have such a big rule over the youth and the younger generation. The diegetic sound of the man who is sitting makes his presence felt as his language is abusive towards the young thug and the plot of not doing what he directed, as he says ‘he was right to do what he did, he took the fucking piss like you are’. As the man who is sitting in the chair speaks the camera shots which is expressing his feelings is close ups. The close ups represent his emotions and how angry he is feeling and appalled that his money has been wasted. This is a clear conjunction with the reality of the mafia, as they kill if a certain wish they desire isn’t granted. Most the language that is spoken isn’t standard English grammar, the diegetic dialogue is slang. The language such as ‘blood’ and ‘ting’, in which both gangsters use make the regional identity more realistic throughout the clip. A better regional identity makes the scenes in any film more realistic.

The close up of the iron that is used to burn the failed youth is a clear indication to the audience that this is going to be used as the shot also shows the fist clinching to it ; the clinching tightly portrays anger and rage which is being felt by the colleague of the main gangster sitting down. The pace of editing is clearly identified here as the camera shot on the iron is slowed down to show the audience that it is of importance. This shot can be used as a template for our coursework as we can slow down editing to show the drugs on the table and the pace of editing can be slowed down to show emotions maybe having a sweat patch which Is represented by a close up. The representation of the sweat patch could show nerves of one of the characters in our film sequence.

Friday 11 March 2011

Main Task - Textual Analysis - The Godfather

Representation of ‘Respect’ in The Godfather:

The Godfather is a classical mafia/gangster film, inspired by Mario puzo’s The Godfather novel. It is based on a powerful Italian family, involved in gambling, however on the side murder people for favors. Don Corleone being the head of the family, calls all the decisions within the family, and no one interferes, which is a strong representation of respect. Out of respect, the majority of his friends ask him for favors. In the opening of the The godfather, it cuts to the production label in white, a traditional mafia film. The scene fades into a close up shot of a man talking. The sound is all non-diagetic, suggesting this will be a long conversation, further suggesting that what they are saying is significant for the audience.
    The camera slowly zooms out to an over the shoulder shot of the godfather, with him sitting in a confident stance, suggesting that Don Corleone (godfather) is of high status. The room is of low ambiance, to emphasise the dark nature, further suggesting the idea that Godfather is a man to be taken seriously. The man asking for a favor (Bonesara) talks to Don Corleone with a slight tone of disrespect, which he is unused to as he is treated with respect, emphasising his status. The camera now cuts to a semi-close up shot of Don Corleone showing perhaps his disgust or surprise that he has been treated with such disrespect. In the same scene, Vito is sitting down in his seat while Bonesara is standing up, portraying respect towards him.
      Vito Corleone is wearing a very smart and traditional suit, suggesting that his daughter is getting married, as are his sons and consilgiere (advisor). This shows how their corleone family is a well respected family with high status. Don Corleone tells Bonesara that he does not even think to call him Godfather, as this is a sacred relationship with two people in Italian culture. The camera cuts to a tracking shot of Don Corleone walking towards Bonesara, telling him to offer friendship. The tracking shot of godfather is shown to emphasise his respect in front of his family.
Bonesara kisses Don Corleone’s hand and accepts the friendship all in a high angle shot in the Dons perspective. This suggests how the Godfather is highly influential and respected. Godfather informs Bonesara that whoever his enemies are, are also now his enemies. The opening scene portrays a kit if suggestive aspects of status and respect that Godfather has.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Main Task - Textual Analysis - Kidulthood

Textual Analysis: Kidulthood

The shot reverse shot of Trevor and his uncle sitting in the vehicle portrays the respect that there is between them. Authority can also be seen in the shot as the white male is under the control of Trevors uncle. Respect is represented throughout the scene as Trevor has respect for his Uncle otherwise he would not have done the duty and deed in drilling the hole in gun. The representation of the gun could be seen as a key element later on in the film which could define the element of Trevor drilling the hole in the gun. Exploitation of the youth and higher authority is clearly identified in the dialogue that is spoken from the uncle. ‘The last boy that I asked to do this was shit’. Analysis from that can show his power maybe in the underworld because we do not know what happened to this boy who failed to please this ‘uncle’. The scare that Trevors uncle places on him when he points the gun at his throat can represent the relentlessness of the uncle. This clip also shows the power that this one character has and the rule he may have over people. This clip can be portrayed and re-enacted in our coursework but in movement of the main underworld gangster, which is to be played by Harvey. The deed of drilling the hole in the gun that Trevor does for his uncle is to also be reflected in our coursework but the deed is not seen in the clip, it is un identifiable to the audience. Dialogue is to conjure the un fulfilled deed of a delivery that the second character under Harvey should have done.

The lighting in the scene represents Trevor’s uncle as a two faced character. He may be evil but on the other hand he may be scared himself of other gangsters like himself, the unknown is a mystery. In addition the night atmosphere creates a sense of shadiness and further enhances the effects of the plot which is unfolding. The dark atmosphere is going to be shown in our clip to create a environment of mystery. The Mise en Scene aspect mainly focusing on Trevor’s uncle can be copied to replicate wealth. Instead of having a silver chain gold one can be used to signify his stature from the dodgy dealings and business in which the two characters are involved in. The black jacket in which Trevor’s uncle is wearing adds mystery to the character of Trevor’s uncle. 

Saturday 5 March 2011

Main Task - Textual Analysis - The Godfather

Representation of Gender: The Godfather

The scene opens with a close up of Don Corleones face, discussing business about solluzo, the sound is all non-diagetic, so that the audience can understand fully what they are discussing. Sonny, one of many sons of Don Corleone is also present for his opinion. In this whole scene, there are no women to be seen; suggesting that this scene is very gender specific and male dominated. The camera then cuts to a long shot of solluzo walking into where Don Corleone is seated waiting for him. This suggests that there is a meeting held between them, to talk business, a typical male scene, and in this whole movie, we can say that talking business has become a hobby and a habit for most men.
    However this scene is very civil, with no weapons or violence intended, which is not a typical male dominated movie. Within the conversation between Tom, Sonny and Don Corleone, Vito Corleone is treated with utmost respect as he speaks, which is emphasized throughout the movie. We now cut to solluzo walking in and being greeted by Tom Hagen and Sonny, while Tom Hagens conversation with Don corleone can still be heard and is overlapped with the present event. This cuts to an over the shoulder shot of Tom, advising Don Corleone about how they need to get involved in the drug business, in which solluzo is offering.
      The status of an advisor in a traditional Italian family is highly respected and is also very sacred. We not cut to a straight shot of solluzo, wearing a very expensive looking suit, suggesting that he is of high status. In the 1970’s, fashion trend was highly regarded and you were judged accordingly. We cut to a conversation between men in a bar in a shot reverse shot, reinforcing that this is a male dominated scene. Also the presence of alcohol is highly regarded as a celebration and peace, reinforcing that this meeting is civil, also suggesting how this differs from a typical male scene in a bar.
      We cut to a over the shoulder shot of solluzo, who is not pleased with Don Corleones answer, and in the same shot Sonny interrupts Don Corleone, which is very disrespectful, and offends Don Corleones super ego, a typical reaction from a male. There are many suggestive ways in which gender is represented, such as the mise en scene, were the men are in a bar surrounded by alcohol.